Generate and Grow Connection
Community Living British Columbia
Generation Farms Community Inclusion Program and Skill Development
Facility visits by appointment only. Our programs are confidential. Contact us for a visit!
This is a service where an individual who is funded by CLBC is paired with a trained worker. The goal is to assist each participant in enhancing emotional and physical wellbeing as well as deepening and expanding their life skills. While participating in the Community Inclusion Program individuals will be supported to generate connection with their community, peers, other services providers and local organizations. We make use of community resources and also and beautiful 33 acre Generation Farms facility in Yellow Point.
Our program is small and aimed at young adults. It is very individual, responding to the needs and interests of the individual.
1 to 1 Community Activities
Individuals participate in activities in the community that can assist them in developing life skills, recreational interests, socializing and pre-employment skills. Opportunities to be with a 1 -1 worker are in the community where there is an opportunity to practice in public and develop competence and confidence.
Involvement in the community tailored to the individual’s interests -walks, movies, meals, visiting the library, skating, swimming, gym, city parks and recreational facilities.
Life skills such as bus training, budgeting and banking, learning about healthy cooking, choosing simple recipes and shopping for ingredients, managing stress and taking care of physical self.
Thursday Social Group – This is a group generally offered in the evenings. In the summer and for special events the group may meet at another time. The ideas are developed within the group and appropriate for a group of young people getting together for recreation and fun.
Some activities include:
attending events such as fireworks, musical events
board games
cooking dinners together monthly
camp fires
Who would this benefit? Individuals who:
are looking for something different
are looking for a challenge
would benefit from an outdoors experience
would like to work on building relationship skills and pre-employment preparation
are looking to add more activity in their lives
may be suffering from anxiety/depression and looking for the benefits of a natural environment and relationship with animals
would benefit from learning boundaries in an active way
have been wounded in their relationship with people.
may have been active previously in their life and would benefit from a gentle introduction back to an active outdoor lifestyle
If you are interested in any of our programs, please contact your
Community Living British Columbia Nanaimo Facilitator and ask for a referral to our services.
Facility visits by appointment only. Our programs are confidential. Please email to arrange a visit.
Generation Farms Activities
There are many possible activities for individuals participating in the Community Inclusion Program at Generation Farms depending on the needs and interests of the individual. We have a 33 acre working farm with horses, cats, dogs, miniature goats, miniature horses and donkeys. There is space for walking and adventuring, hay fields, wooded areas and two ponds. The farm attracts wildlife such as eagles, beaver, hawks, deer, ducks, rabbits and more. It is a peaceful environment that encourages an active lifestyle and a calm outlook. There is a crafts room for indoor activities when needed.
The Social Group meets on regularly at Generation Farms in our group room. Here there are special occasion dinners cooked by the group, Kareoke, camp fires and more.
Other Activities include:
- Nature walks on the farm
- Interaction with the animals
- Learning about care for the animals
- Helping with basic farm chores
cooking simple meals - Art and craft activities
board games, team play
Having individuals participate in many of the above activities can create the opportunity to develop confidence, social skills, read body language and to set and respect boundaries. It can also build skills that are helpful for pre-employment or volunteering: responsibility, assertiveness, communication, problem solving and more.
Our Community Inclusion staff are skilled at creating respectful relationships and encouraging growth in the individuals in our program.
Kara Brunt BEd. is our team lead in the program and has been involved since the beginning. Joining her is Alisha Pirart, who has moved from the business world being drawn to work that is meaningful and people oriented.
If you are interested in any of our programs, please contact your
Community Living British Columbia Nanaimo Facilitator and ask for a referral to our services.